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6-week Small Groups: The Story of God’s Faithfulness

Starting Wednesday, Sept 27

You are invited to join one of our 6-week small groups as we take a fun and imaginative dive into Nehemiah using movie clips as our springboard.

  • Six Wednesdays this fall, September 27 to November 1
  • 6:30 pm: light supper and fellowship – please click here to register for dinner. (In-person)
  • 7:00-8:00 pm: Film clips and interactive teaching on Nehemiah’s lessons for Christian life, tied to our fall sermon series.
  • 8:00-8:30 pm: Small group table conversation to explore scripture themes more deeply. (In-person)

Our small groups will explore the text and themes, such as prayer, community, identity and morality, providing a space for discussion and reflection, as well as an opportunity to connect with others on a deeper level. Please use the button below to register or email Margaret Gardner for more information.

We offer both online or in-person small groups. Online groups will have the opportunity to view the Wednesday night program either live streamed or recorded for discussion in their small group study.

Starting Wednesday, Sept 27