Will you help NPC generously share Christ's love within and beyond our walls in 2025?

Thank you for your continued support! Your financial gifts are acts of worship that:

  • Supports NPC’s disciple making mission
  • Expresses gratitude for God’s provisions
  • Demonstrates obedience to His will and priorities for our lives
  • Shows our trust in God by deepening our reliance on Him
  • Fosters spiritual growth by following his example of generosity and love
  • Answers the call that we be His hands in this world by funding our local, national, and global mission work
  • Pools resources so collectively we can accomplish what cannot be done on our own

Can you commit to supporting God's work in and through NPC in 2025?


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I/we prayerfully and joyfully plan to contribute to the ministries of National in 2025.

If you would like some help with the details of your gift, please contact our Finance Office at 202.537.7495
or email our Director of Finance and Administration, Leah Skrine.

2025 Stewardship Devotional

We hope you'll be enriched by this devotional as you prayerfully consider your generosity and commitment to NPC in 2025. May God speak to us through His word and fill our hearts with gratitude and grace.

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Additional Ways to Give

There are many ways for you to give—including giving of your time, talent, and resources.

  • Text to Give
  • Stock Donations
  • Planned Giving

Visit our Giving page for more information about these and more!

Have questions?

Contact our Finance Office at 202.537.7495 or email our Director of Finance and Administration, Leah Skrine.

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