Fall Five-week Small Groups
Prioritizing God above all – the order in which we place things in our lives holds importance. When we make God our top priority in how we live and give, we have the potential to make a greater impact, connect more individuals to Christ, and contribute to the expansion of God’s Kingdom. Our church has witnessed a greater manifestation of God’s power in the past year than ever before, and we believe this is just the beginning of what God will do through us as we surrender to His will. Putting God first in our lives allows us to witness the incredible power and blessings God can bring!
In-person and online groups will dive deeper into Old and New Testament teachings on the challenges and joys of placing God first.
Please register for a group by September 25.
Time: Time and day based on registration
Schedule: Weekly, Sept. 30 - Nov. 1
Coordinator: Margaret Gardner
Location: Online and in-person