2022 YOUTH TRIP TO DOMINICAN REPUBLIC After a wonderful Dominican breakfast, we joined the community for worship. Our group was equally enthralled by the geckos on the wall, and the moving testimony of God’s work from Pastor Valentin. After worship we were given a tour of the community, from the river, up to the school and community center. The afternoon was spent moving a pile of bricks from the ground level of the community center up the stairs... ...where we’ll be helping construct a second story! Luckily, the pool was perfect for cooling off afterwards. We’ve dug a trench to serve as the foundation of a basketball court. We tied rebar to make beams for the school roof. We’ve moved gravel from the river to mix concrete. We’ve moved buckets of rocks to help level a classroom floor. And we’ve passed countless buckets of concrete to help pour the beams for the roof! About 60 kids came to the Finca for Vacation Bible School. Our youth shared a skit about Joseph’s life, led them in games, and crafts. Despite all the hard work, we’ve also had a ton of fun! Cleaning up the finca in the rain! We helped fill the entire foundation for the basketball court in the morning. In the afternoon, we stopped for shopping before taking a hike to a beautiful waterfall. In the afternoon, we stopped for shopping before taking a hike to a beautiful waterfall.