Building Together for the Next 50 Years

Hundreds in our congregation have made generous commitments toward our multi-year capital campaign to pay for the improvements that have transformed National Presbyterian Church - both on our physical campus and in our outreach to mission partners around the world. (Read more below.)
Thanks be to God!
If you have questions or would like to give stock, please contact our Business Director, Leah Skrine, at 202.537.7495 or
Explore Our Improvements!
Take a look around your renovated church! For each area, click the corresponding item on the key and read all about the improvements that were made.
- 1Welcome Center, Chapel Hallway
- 2Sacristy, Kitchenette
- 3Sanctuary AV
- 4Central Stairs, Plaza, Ushers' Closet
- 5Youth House, Gaga Pit
- 6Administration Building
- 7Flower Room
- 8New Second Floor Lobbies
- 9Garden Rooms, Patio & Terrace
- 10Toddler Room & Nursery
- 11Library, New Restrooms, Storage Room
- 12New Main Entrance, Elevators, Rain Garden
- 13Stone Hall, Music Room
- 14Infrastructure, Deferred Maintenance
Before and After:
Million for Mission
In addition to numerous physical improvements to our campus, our capital campaign included giving
$1 million dollars to local and international mission partners.
Meet our Capital Campaign Mission Partners:
Young Life South DC
Young Life works to introduce adolescents to Christ and help them grow in their faith.
Little Lights
Little Lights’ spaces provide a safe, engaging, Christ-focused haven from the challenges of a difficult neighborhood.
Evangelical Philadelphia Nazaraene Marka Church
The church and school witness to Christ among neighbors in desperate need of love and connection.
The National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon (NESSL)
The Synod of Syria and Lebanon has set up a network of Christian schools with a Syrian curriculum to serve the refugees and offer hope.
International Association for Refugees – Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya
International Association for Refugees is a Christian ministry that supports local church initiatives in worship, education, shelter, hygiene and evangelism.
A prayer for our capital campaign
Gracious God, our Creator and giver of all life. We praise you for the generous gifts that have been given for this Capital Campaign. Help us to be good stewards of every gift. You have blessed this congregation for 50 years and we pray that the witness will grow in the next 50 years. We ask for your continued guidance as decisions are made and contracts are signed, and the work begins. Bestow patience and wisdom on all who lead us. Open our eyes to the power of the Gospel to transform our time, talent and treasure. We desire to pass on the message of your boundless grace, love and peace throughout our church, community and world. In the name of your Son, Jesus Christ. Amen.