About US

Get to know NPC

Explore these resources to discover what we are all about. If you have questions, or if you would like to discuss anything further with a staff member, please connect with us! 


Our Mission

Leading People to Become Faithful Followers of Jesus Christ Together in God’s World

We believe God is calling us to lead people to become faithful followers of Jesus Christ together in God’s world. This mission statement boldly declares that NPC is committed to discipleship, to community, to service, and, most importantly, to a deep and abiding faith in Christ.



About God

God is the Creator who made the universe and made us. We know and worship God as our heavenly Father, through relationship with his Son by the power of the Holy Spirit.

About Ourselves

God has given all human beings great worth and dignity by creating them in God’s image. God invites us to follow his ways, but none of us is perfect. We fall short of who we want to be and all that God created us to be. But God does not abandon us. We are forgiven, redeemed and made whole by Jesus Christ.

About Jesus

Jesus Christ is our Lord and the world’s only Savior. Through his life, death and resurrection, God offers us forgiveness and the opportunity to renew our relationship with God now and forever. Following him means learning to put God first and love our neighbors as ourselves. The Holy Spirit helps us to follow God’s path, which is revealed most clearly in Jesus’ life and teaching.

About Politics

We won’t tell you how to vote. We don’t all share the same opinions on political and social issues. We do believe that biblically faithful teaching, thoughtful theological discussions and Christian maturity equip us to fulfill our calling as citizens and leaders in God’s world.

About the Bible

Scripture is more than a set of guidelines or ideals. It is the Word of God, and our authority in faith and life. It tells us how human beings are to be in relationship with God and how our relationships with God and others become broken. It proclaims who Jesus Christ is and how he saves us.

About You

Jesus died for you as much as for anyone else, because he loves you and values you. You matter.

About the Church

Jesus never intended for his followers to go it alone; he called them into community. All Jesus-followers are called to live out their faith within his Church. Our church is in the Presbyterian branch of Christianity. That shapes our church, but does not limit it. We share in ministry and mission with others in different branches of Christ’s Church.

Vows of Membership

All members of NPC take the following vows:

  1. Trusting in the gracious mercy of God, do you turn from the ways of sin and renounce evil and its power in the world? I do.
  2. Who is your Lord and Savior? Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior.
  3. Will you be Christ’s faithful disciple, obeying his word and showing his love? I will.
  4. Will you be a faithful member of this congregation, sharing in its worship and ministry through your prayers and gifts, your study and service, and so fulfill your calling to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. I will.

Our Vision

To follow Jesus Christ while leading others into faithful discipleship requires that:
  • We understand who the God of the Bible is

  • We lift our hearts and voices to God together in worship

  • We seek justice, joyfully engaging in Christ’s work and responding to the needs of those in our church, our neighborhood, the city, and the World

  • We share the good news of God’s reconciling love in word and deed

  • We are servants living out a relational church culture that is hospitable and welcoming to every person who walks through our doors

  • We are a grace-filled church that draws in diverse newcomers who want to know what defines and excites us

  • We love and care for one another as members of a family, growing closer to God and one another

  • We are highly committed stewards of all God’s gifts, each giving generously of the time, talents and resources with which we have been blessed

  • We develop servant leaders equipped to influence others where they worship, work, and live

Read Our Story

Our annual report tells our story! We hope you'll take a few moments to see all that God has done in and through National Presbyterian Church last year and in years past.


National Presbyterian Church is a member of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A. (PCUSA).