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Food drive eblast

Food Drive

Sept 24, 9:30-11:30 am

Mark your calendars for a Food Drive!

National Presbyterian Church invites you to participate in our nonperishable Food Drive to benefit Central Union Mission and the UDC Student Food Pantry. Central Union Mission serves hurting people throughout our city and surrounding area—homeless men, families living in poverty, children from at-risk neighborhoods and seniors. The UDC Student Food Pantry has the mission of leading the fight on campus against student food insecurities.

Drive-through drop-off will take place 9:30-11:30 am in the church parking lot on Saturday, September 24.

For a list of needed items for donation, please click here or use the blue button below.

If you’d like to bring your donation on a Sunday ahead of time, we will have the brown bins located around the church a couple weeks in advance. On weekdays, you may drop off donations to the Administrative building.

Volunteers are needed! Please use the blue button below to sign up to help.

Sept 24, 9:30-11:30 am