Will you help NPC generously share Christ's love within and beyond our walls in 2024?

Thank you for your continued support! Your generosity will make it possible for NPC to:

  • Expand the NPC community and those that witness Christ through our worship and service
  • Nourish the spiritual fruit of our children from their baptismal vows through adulthood
  • Build programs that encourage and equip parents to raise their children in faith
  • Offer groups and classes that give attendees the joy of deepening their discipleship
  • Organize mission trips across generations and enable participation regardless of financial ability
  • Encourage each member to share their unique giftedness to the ministries of NPC
  • Provide opportunities that multiply our care outreach and demonstrate God’s love
  • Become a more actively prayerful congregation​


Can you commit to supporting God's work in and through NPC in 2024?


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I/we prayerfully and joyfully plan to contribute to the ministries of National in 2024.

If you would like some help with the details of your gift, please contact our Finance Office at 202.537.7495
or email our Director of Finance and Administration, Leah Skrine.

Grateful giving! A Letter from Leadership

In his letter to the congregation, Senior Pastor Dr. Ray Hylton, Sr. has two prayer requests for you:

  1. Pray for 100% participation from our beloved congregation. While we have different capacities and abilities, each of us can do something proportionate to how God has blessed us.
  2. Ask the Lord how you might contribute to the congregation’s vision and consider increasing your giving by 5% or however the Lord leads you.

Read more of his message below!

Thank you for your faithful support of God's work in and through National!  All gifts—of any size!—make a difference.

2024 Stewardship 3-Week Devotional

We hope you'll be enriched by this 3-week devotional as you prayerfully consider your generosity and commitment to NPC in 2024. May God speak to us through His word and fill our hearts with gratitude and grace.

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Additional Ways to Give

There are many ways for you to give—including giving of your time, talent, and resources.

  • Text to Give
  • Stock Donations
  • Planned Giving

Visit our Giving page for more information about these and more!

Have questions?

Contact our Finance Office at 202.537.7495 or email our Director of Finance and Administration, Leah Skrine.

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