Women’s Bible Study
We meet every Saturday from September to June except for holiday weekends. Sometimes, we also meet during the summer but usually study a book.
We meet the first and fourth Saturday via Zoom and the third Saturday in person in Room #209 at NPC.
Focus: This is a group that studies the Bible in an interactive way. Everyone is encouraged to participate. This Bible Study has been meeting for over 15 years but welcomes new members every week. The women consider themselves “sisters in Christ” and pray for each other and support each other in times of personal needs. This is a highly diverse group–we have people from many countries and a variety of ages. Some are single while others are married with children and some with grandchildren. Current participants love the different perspectives people bring.
Meeting agenda: We chat as we gather but very close to 9:30 we open in prayer and Sandra begins teaching. Following the teaching, we ask for prayer requests or praises to share and then we have a time of prayer where all are encouraged to pray. Following our prayer time, some people stay for a time of fellowship but people can leave whenever they need to go.
Food: When meeting in person, we take turns bringing something to share which does not need to be homemade.
Weekly email message: The coordinator prepares and sends a weekly message that includes prayer requests and other information.
No child care is provided.
Time: 9:30 am
Schedule: Saturdays
Coordinator: Sandy Sharpe, teacher and Barbara Mitchell, coordinator
Location: Online