Concert Series
Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.
- Martin Luther
National presents a full calendar of musical events featuring some of the finest ensembles and soloists from the DC area, across the nation and around the world.
Drawing on the gorgeous acoustics of our beautiful sanctuary, and our glorious Aeolian-Skinner organ (not to mention our ample free event parking!), many major arts organizations find a welcome home at NPC for their subscription seasons or special concerts. Information and tickets are available through the individual organizations’ websites.

Music & Concerts
Handel’s Messiah (Re-broadcast)
Celebrate the joy of Christmas with National Presbyterian Church’s re-broadcast of the 2019 Handel’s Messiah Concert performed by the Festival Orchestra and Choir.
U.S. Army Chorus Christmas Concert
U.S. Army ChorusNPC Chancel Choir, Soloists, and Instrumentalists
Palm Sunday Concert
Requiem – by W. A. Mozart
Excerpted from the 2016 Palm Sunday Concert of the National Presbyterian Church Festival Choir and Orchestra.
Requiem for the Living – by Dan Forrest
Excerpted from the 2015 Palm Sunday Concert of the National Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir and Orchestra